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Insects and plants

Insects that visit flowers of the same plant species during a single flight or longer period or longer period as called flower constant. When all individuals of an insect species of plant for pollen, then the insect is called monolectic.

The flower size, shape, position of reproductive parts, colors, odors, and nectar composition, timing of the flowering, can be matched with the anatomies, diet, activity and more of the insect. Nectar is usually located deep within a floral tube making it difficult for casual visitor to reach it.

The largest group of pollinators is represented by the bees (Apoidea) with around 30,000 species worldwide. They take nectar to fuel their flight. The second other lager group includes some Diptera (flies and midges) and most Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies).

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Larvae of butterflies and months (Lepidoptera) depend on foliage and fruiting structure of plants for food. © Pierre Fidenci

Butterflies are usually the dominant insect herbivores in most habitats. © Pierre Fidenci

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